Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Still here....

Well, truthfully, I have still been working hard the last couple of weeks... Just a bit of craziness around our house to be posting... P90X is going well. Actually, I'm sort of doing my own version. I do every day except Yoga (and sometimes I switch out Kempo for something else too). I haven't gotten in the extra cardio the way I'd like to, but I'm working on it! Trying to keep to my calories--could always use more work on that, but not doing too badly. All in all, I'm feeling really good! Results could be better, but I'm reminding myself that living healthy is a marathon--for the long haul--not a sprint, right?!!! So, I want to stay dedicated and motivated! I am planning on asking for some Tracy Anderson DVD's for my birthday! I think it will be a nice change up, and I'm excited to try them out! Cheers to anyone else out there living healthy!!!

1 comment:

harbinger said...

Hi, I’ve been reading your posts and just wanted to share something? Please email me back. Thanks!
